Iowa Farmers Appreciate Enlist® System in a Wet, Variable Season
Weather has not been a friend this year in north-central Iowa. While it’s hard to complain about the moisture, it has interfered with the best-laid plans all season. From planting to application, everything has been a bit delayed.
Even with the delays, Mike and Jeremy Patterson were able to apply a residual at the start of the season. The residual product has done an excellent job holding back weeds. This is good news because prolonged wet conditions delayed their postapplication plans, forcing them to make changes late in the game.
“Things haven’t gone as planned this year,” Mike says. “But the nice thing about the Enlist system is that we have multiple choices for weed control.”
Pattersons have been eager to try the Enlist system on their farm. They did their homework and checked all the boxes before heading to the field.
“We’ve been through training and met with the field specialist,” Jeremy explains. “The application resources are helpful and easy to follow. I took another pass through everything this morning before spraying.”
They’re targeting waterhemp and giant ragweed along with some lambsquarters and marestail. Both farmers are anxious to see the results.
“It’s only been three hours, and we’re already seeing weeds wilting,” said Jeremy the day he applied. “You can see right where the boom went. It’s pretty impressive that the product doesn’t move.”
Mike echoed Jeremy’s excitement. “There’s a huge interest in our area for Enlist,” he says. “Area salesman and farmers are asking when they can use Enlist E3 soybeans.”
“With the wet weather this year, many farmers are anxious as we approach cutoff dates for other herbicide products,” he adds. “Three tolerances with Enlist is huge. We have multiple weed control options and are able to come back with glufosinate if we need it.”
Enlist E3® soybeans provide tolerance to 2,4-D choline, glyphosate and glufosinate. The robust tolerances offer farmers like the Pattersons multiple options to control their tough weeds.